Getting support when treatment goes wrong. When medication errors affect your health, we understand the impact it can have on your life. Our experienced Medical Negligence team will guide you through making a claim, helping you get the support and answers you need. Understanding your rights Healthcare professionals, including doctors and pharmacists, have a responsibility to ensure you receive the right medication. This includes: Prescribing appropriate medication for your condition Dispensing the correct medication and dosage Providing necessary medication when your treatment requires it Making a claim Our specialist team can help if you’ve experienced harm from: Being given the wrong medication Receiving incorrect dosage instructions Not being prescribed medication you needed Pharmacy dispensing errors We’ll work with medical experts to understand what happened and how it has affected you, building a clear picture of your case. Time limits for making a claim The Limitation Act 1980 states that an individual has three years from the date of an incident to start court proceedings. That does not mean that you have to complete your case before the third anniversary of your accident, but you must begin court proceedings by that date. Failure to do so will result in your claim being time barred and will not likely be able to make or continue a claim. However, in medical negligence claims you may not be aware of any incident until after the event. If that is the case, then the three year limitation can run from a date of knowledge which is calculated as the first occasion when you became aware that something had gone wrong and that it had caused you harm. get in touch Contact Charlotte Rees-Knowlden Partner, Head of Department Personal Injury & Medical Negligence 020 8971 1081 Message Connect On this page Contact our Medical Negligence team to find out more get in touch