Dilapidation claims

Dilapidations Expertise. Commercial Protection.

Understanding dilapidations claims is essential for protecting your commercial property interests. Whether you’re a landlord seeking to preserve your investment or a tenant managing lease obligations, our property specialists guide you through every stage of the process.

Commercial lease agreements establish specific standards for property maintenance and restoration. When disputes arise over repair obligations, alterations, or statutory compliance, resolving these matters demands both technical knowledge and commercial understanding.

Our experienced team navigates the complexities of dilapidations claims across the south east and London. Drawing on extensive expertise in property law, we represent both landlords and tenants, providing practical solutions that protect your interests. From assessing repair standards to negotiating settlements, we focus on achieving efficient, commercial outcomes.

Dilapidation FAQs

When should a Schedule of Dilapidations be served?

It really depends on the circumstances of the case and the wording of the lease.

In the vast majority of cases, the dilapidations claim is brought towards the end of the lease because this is often when the landlord’s losses are most keenly felt. This is known as a terminal Schedule of Dilapidations. In these cases, the timing of service could be crucial and therefore the lease should be checked in detail and in plenty of time before service and the end of the lease.

A Schedule of Dilapidations can also be brought during the continuation of the lease. This is known as an interim Schedule of Dilapidations. This is however a more complicated process as there statutory requirements which govern the process.

How can I (a tenant) avoid a dilapidations claim?

Given the nature of these claims, it is almost impossible for a tenant to avoid a claim in its entirely. This is because it is very difficult to return the premises to the landlord in the precise condition, as required by the covenants in the lease. Particular, after a long period of occupation and continuous use.

However, tenants can mitigate their liability, substantially so in many cases by formulating a compliance strategy ahead of the expiry of the lease. This is something that we have successfully achieved for many tenants.

What is the “Section 18 cap”?

This refers to Section 18(1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927, one of the most important pieces of legislation in the context of Dilapidations Claim. Section 18(1) operates to cap the amount of damages that a landlord can recover for breach of the repairing covenants in a lease. It do so by:

  • Limiting the amount payable to the sum equal to the reduction in the value of the landlord’s reversionary interest caused by the alleged breach. So, even if there is actual damage caused by a tenant’s failure to repair, but this damage does not reduce the value of the landlord’s reversionary interest, then the value of that claim would be reduced to zero.
  • It also excludes any damages in circumstances where the landlord is going to make structural alterations which would render the repairs valueless. For example, if the landlord is proposing to demolish the premises, such that this would supersede any damage caused by the tenant breaches its repairing covenant, the landlord would be unable to claim damages for that breach.

The Section 18 Cap is a cornerstone of Dilapidations Claims and one which must be considered, whether you are the landlord or tenant.

As landlord, am I entitled to claim for loss of rent?

The landlord may be able to claim loss of rent for the duration of the period reasonably necessary to carry out works required to put the premises back into repair. However, there are difficulties with these claims. For example, it would have to be shown that the loss of rent is due to the need to repair the property and no other reason (for example, market forces). Some claims for loss of rent will also be caught by the “Section 18 Cap” (see above for details)

Therefore, it depends on the facts and circumstances of each case.

What is the Dilapidations Protocol?

This is a set of Civil Court Rules which govern the conduct of terminal dilapidations claims before Court proceedings are issued. The protocol is available here.

Both landlords and tenants are expected to follow the Dilapidations Protocol. A failure do so could result in costs sanctions being made against the non-compliant party in any subsequent proceedings.

Do I need a specialist surveyor?

The short answer is “yes”. To initiate the claim and respond to it, a surveyor will be required to prepare the Schedule of Dilapidations (for the landlord) and a surveyor will usually be required to respond to it (for the tenant). Aside from anything else, the Dilapidations Protocol anticipates the involvement of surveyors in the pursuit of pre-action correspondence and settlement.

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You should bear in mind that if your dispute is valued at less than £10,000 you will not be able to recover your legal fees from your opponent.

You may wish to consider consulting the Citizens Advice Bureau or your local Law Centre as an alternative.

In order to enable us to give you an accurate estimate of our likely costs to advise you, we will need to review the key documents. As a guide, our costs for reviewing the key documents and giving you initial advice are likely to be in the region of £1,750+VAT.

Before we can confirm whether we are able to act for you, we need to carry out a conflict check to make sure that we have not previously acted for your opponent.

Assuming our conflict check is clear, we will contact you to arrange a time for you to speak to one of our solicitors. Please can you confirm that you still wish to proceed with this enquiry. *

Our fees for debt recovery work typically start at £1,750 + VAT, so it is unlikely that we would be able to help you on this occasion. You may wish to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or your local law centre, who may be able to help resolve your issue.

We are sorry that we are not able to help you on this occasion.

You may wish to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or your local law centre, who may be able to help resolve your issue.

If your claim relates to an incident that took place more than 4 years ago, you may not be able to bring a claim unless you were under 18 years old at the time.

We are sorry, but it is unlikely that we are able to help you with your claim on this occasion.

You may wish to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or your local law centre, who will be able to help you find support.