

This information on costs and timing is provided for guidance only. It is not a quotation. We shall be pleased to provide information relating to a particular matter on request. Every client will receive a letter of engagement and terms of business setting out our terms and costs based on your needs and the specific facts of the case.

We are obliged to provide you with our pricing for bringing and defending claims for unfair or wrongful dismissal as set out below.  An employee dismissed by their employer may have a claim for unfair dismissal.  They may have a claim for wrongful dismissal if their employer fails to provide the relevant period of notice or a payment in lieu of the relevant notice period.  A wrongful dismissal claim can be filed in the county court instead of at employment tribunal. We can discuss the pros / cons of the two venues with you and have set out our fees for recovery of debts in the county court.

We can assist you with making and defending any tribunal claims and will provide you with either a costs estimate or a fixed fee option for the particular work that you instruct us to do.  We will occasionally act for a Claimant in a damage based agreement (see glossary).

You should immediately and urgently check any current insurance policy that you hold as it may provide you with legal expenses cover (individuals typically will have such cover in home contents insurance cover).  Please note that if you do have cover in place and take action without having informed your insurance company, any legal expenses cover may be void.

Basis of our charges

Our charges for any work we do will be based on hourly rates.  Our hourly rates for advising on tribunal matters are as follows:


“Disbursements” are costs we incur or pay to a third party on your behalf. Items forming part of our service are subject to VAT at 20%. Items which are paid out on your behalf as agent and do not form part of our service are deemed to be classed as a disbursement for VAT purposes, and therefore outside the scope of VAT.

We would usually expect to incur some or all of the following disbursements. This is not an exhaustive list, because every case is different:


To assist you we set out below some definitions for some of the common terms used in unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal claims.

Word Definition
Acas Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) is a government-funded body whose job it is to help conciliate settlement between the parties and you can find out more about this service on the Acas website.
ACAS Pre-Claim Conciliation Prior to filing a tribunal claim, in most cases, the Claimant must notify Acas via their online pre–claim conciliation web page.

If settlement is not agreed, a Claimant can only issue a claim in the Employment Tribunal once they have been issued with an ACAS certificate confirming that the pre-conciliation process has concluded.

It is quite common for settlement discussions to take place after the Claimant has made their claim. It is then just called conciliation, not pre-claim conciliation.

Costs Application An application made by the Claimant or Respondent to the employment tribunal for the other party to pay their legal fees.  It is possible to claim for other costs too.
COT3 The agreement in which Acas record the settlement terms between the parties. Often the COT3 will set out that the Claimant will withdraw their claims in return for a lump sum payment. Sometimes the parties prefer to record the agreement in a more detailed document called a settlement agreement on which the Claimant is required to take legal advice.  Click here for our general advice note on settlement agreements for employers or employees.
Damage based agreement (DBA) In appropriate cases, we may offer to fund your claim using a DBA.  In a DBA, if you win your claim, you will pay our fees and any disbursements we incur on your behalf from the money you recover from your opponent. The amount that you pay us is limited to 50% of the sum you recover.

Even if you do not win, you may have to pay our fees if the funding agreement is terminated.  We will explain this to you if we offer to fund your claim.

We will assess your claim before deciding whether or not we can fund it and will charge you for this assessment either on our usual hourly rates or for a fixed fee.  How much the assessment will cost depends on the complexity of the case. Assessing a straightforward claim might cost in the region of £600 -£1,500 plus VAT in addition to the initial review of the documentation.

We will only offer to fund your claim for you if a funding arrangement will be in your interests and will meet your needs.  This is a complicated area and we will discuss it with you on a case by case basis.

Under a DBA either you pay for the disbursements or we may fund them for you. If we fund them for you it may increase the overall cost of your claim.

This information is not detailed nor is it specific to your case.  If we offer to fund your claim, we will provide a comprehensive explanation tailored to the specific circumstances of your claim.

ET1 The claim form completed by the Claimant in which you set out your case.
ET3 The defence form completed by the Respondent in which you respond to the Claimant’s case.
Instructions The work that you ask us to do.
Litigant in Person A party to litigation (Claimant or Respondent) who is acting without a legal representative.
Preliminary hearing A hearing before an Employment Judge to determine preliminary issues before the case can proceed to a final hearing. This could for example be whether a claim has been brought within the relevant time limits.  This hearing may take place at the tribunal office or (as they can be quite short) in a telephone conference call to which the parties and the Judge dial in.
Schedule of loss A document setting out the financial value of the Claimant’s claims. The Claimant will usually be required to prepare this document prior to the Employment Tribunal Hearing and send a copy to the Respondent.  As there are sometimes delays in the Respondent receiving the Claimant’s schedule and usually disagreement about its calculation when it is received and to assist in deciding on settlement value, the Respondent will usually prepare its own Schedule of the Claimant’s losses.


What our clients say:

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“Elizabeth Maxwell and Amber Fraser were exceptionally helpful, flexible and did exactly what was needed. Really appreciated all their efforts under a very tight timescale.”

Recent Employment Client

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“Mel McCrum took my case and was totally diligent and dealt with the situation in the most professional manner. I am delighted with the outcome and I’m pleased that I used Morr & Co. ”

Recent Employment Client

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“I highly recommend Francesca Wild for her exceptional support in a complex grievance, disciplinary and whistleblowing case. Francesca and paralegal Armadeep Sandu were kind, patient and professional, providing clear, sympathetic guidance.”

Recent Employment Client

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“Feeling frustrated and stressed following a company takeover, the calm and professional way my enquiry was handled and the subsequent advice I received helped me feel confident to deal with my new employers to resolve the situation.”

Recent Employment Client